Dorian Ulrey

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Let the summer begin!

This summer has been a little backwards for me, but this all changes this thursday.  Until now I have been attending class everyday so far this summer with the occasional weekend trip or wedding to break up the daily grind.  This Thursday I will be leaving for home, where I will be an usher in my cousin's wedding, hitting downtown Chicago for a couple nights and then leaving for Australia for ten days!  NOthing like starting your summer while most people are wrapping theirs up.  
Training has been going well, so well in fact I have recently bumped my runs from 40 minutes to 45.  I am also getting a little better adapted to the heat, which right now at eight p.m is still 96 degrees!  Seeing as it is winter in Australia I think it will be a nice reward running in the mid 60's as compared to the daily temp of anywhere from 110-115 here in Fayetteville.  I will post again before leaving for Australia, and then again while I am in the land of the kangaroos.  Hopefully I will get some sweet pictures to share with you all.

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