Dorian Ulrey

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Back from vacation!

After a much needed break from Fayetteville and the ensuing boredom that comes along with living in a college town during the summer months I am back from vacation and bored as ever! Although I say this like it is a bad thing being bored isn't the worst possible thing, I read a quote a couple weeks ago and loved it, it went something like this, "you have to be bored to get in really good training. To have two good runs a day you have to be really bored, that way the running feels like an escape rather than torture." So I have been trying to live vicariously though this quote the past couple of days, using the boredom as motivation to get out and ride my new bike (still resting my hip flexor). It appears while I was gone on vacation the cable company finally realized they had been giving me free cable for the last four months and now unfortunately my free ride is over, so needless to say I am really wishing I could get out the door for a run to kill some time. On that note my hip is feeling 100% better and the only thing that is left to do is actually go for a run. This is my last week of break and I am more than a little nervous to head out the door for that first run and experience that same sharp, stabbing pain that has become so familiar these past several weeks. I guess the next logical thing to do is force myself out the door and forget everything, just run, with no purpose or pressure, just to feel the freedom of running without pain. I'll post again after the run, so be looking for another post this Saturday!

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